Undated: COVID Humor

Look, I'm angry and sad and grieving and also angry but luckily there's still humor in the world. Elise has been harvesting Coronavirus memes over the last few weeks, sometimes as the only thing keeping her afloat. Possibly the only thing keeping our kids alive, too.

Anyway, I agreed to turn her favorites into a blog post so here it is!

I want to remind my future self that this was funny because between when we arrived in Malaysia and when the crackdown came, we were hitting the gym hard. The day before we evacuated I was planning to "borrow" some of the free weights from the gym. I'd have taken the treadmill too but they had cameras everywhere.

I love venn diagram humor really any time I can get it. Look for the one on nerd/geek/dork to see why.

I hate cats but I love cat humor.

I subscribed to so many things during the first week of Coronacation.

Some decided the bug should be called Kendra and that punctuation would make this less funny.

PC Load Letter?

This was funnier to me when I thought the author was Sean Spicer, who I've been missing a lot lately.

Whew. The "food" category was getting thin.

Gender politics! I really like the way this one turns the familiar on its head and then kicks you in the gut.

Honestly, this made me wonder if aliens have dropped this virus on humanity in order to soften us up, pre-invasion.

If you've spent the last few months homeschooling first graders, this is spot on!

Oh, please!!

Yay for sex/birth control references. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

Agreed, except that our electricity consumption is way up! But driving is (hopefully) down so, net positive?


I hope we still have nurses to celebrate in a few months.

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This cartoon caused me to look around for hidden cameras.

Straphangers association, baby!

Again, who's watching us?

Has anybody ever seen Julie Andrews and Carol Burnett in the same place at the same time? Just sayin'

File this one under "love languages"

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Another good take on the theme


  1. Keep them coming! Thanks, Elise!! Nice to have a compilation - and some that are new to me!


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