Day 263 (March 11): What They Watched

Tonight, as a family, we watched a movie. It's been a long time since we did something as a family. Of course, that's not really true. We do things as a family all the time but the outcome of a family movie night is quite different from visiting a temple or Legoland (a different kind of temple, I guess).

As we were watching the movie tonight, I had two thoughts: first, I should capture this moment of peace and contentment; second, I should record the things that the kids have enjoyed watching on this trip. Some shows might not even be available back in the States when we return but also, as much as a photo-op, this might be the kind of thing we will enjoy remembering years from now.

The movie we watched tonight was Arriety, based on The Borrowers. This is anime and we chose to watch it in English (dubbed), which created a juxtaposition between the Japanese setting and the British accents.
Family movie night (Arriety)

Yesterday we went to the movie theater with our new worldschooling friends. I think we represented 100% of the nearly-empty theater on a Tuesday at 2:10pm! We saw Onwards, which was delightful (as Pixar movies should be). Ali and Cate were a little scared of a few parts but they did just fine.
Our Worldschooling Field Trip to see Onward

The other movies we've seen on this trip: Frozen II (in Perth), Spies in Disguise (Melbourne for Lily and Henry; Sydney for the rest of us), Abominable (Asheville). Almost every time we've been grateful for the air conditioning but never more than yesterday when it was so hot and humid in Johor!

There are also TV shows that the kids have glommed onto. Right now its "Lost in Oz" on Amazon, which seems to be about the descendants of the original characters. Before that, it was Inbestigators, which is about a club of precocious kids solving mysteries. In Australia it was a Netflix show called The Deep, which has been my favorite. It follows a family of undersea explorers; it's mostly mystery and adventure but there's a lot of marine biology and science that gets slipped in.
Wake up, build a fort, watch a show, worry about getting dressed later.
A really long time ago, when we were still in the States, our main shows were Liberty's Kids (about the Revolution) and Carmen Sandiego, a very clever animated reboot of a show from my childhood. It still boggles my mind how fervently our kids wanted to watch an animated show about colonial America but, honestly, the show is that good.
