Day 281 (March 29): Jet Lag Sucks
Exactly one week ago, not accounting for time zones, I was at this very keyboard, in a different kitchen, in a different country, facing a very different set of challenges. Then, it was the deep insanity of booking flights when airports were closing and airlines were in the process of cutting 90% of their routes with nearly no notice. Then, the daily temperature range was 80-95 degrees (F). Then, I was intimidated by the intensity of the government's approach to social distancing as well as the degree of popular compliance. Now, it's a bizarre game of figuring out which online delivery services will bring me food from which restaurants and whether or not my children will eat it. (Okay, that last bit is a near constant, regardless of continent.) Now, the temperature range is 40-55 degrees (F). Now, I'm terrified by the modesty of the government's approach and the frightening lack of concern shown in my community. But the worst thing that is going on is jet lag. This ...