The Lily Edition: Singapore

 The Lily Edition
Yesterday my family and I went to the coolest botanic garden ever. It had wooden sculptures throughout the garden. The carvings were so beautiful and intricate that I was amazed at how a person could do something like that. Henry loved the Dragons, Eagle, and the Lion.
Under the Lion was a sign that told you that this sculpture was titled "The Lion Door" I thought that this would be cool to have as a doorframe outside your room.

My mom and I both agreed that this would be cool to have at the yurts in central Oregon. This bench is wooden but the sculpture is of fish. If you look closely at the bench you will see the fish in the arm rest and on the other side of the bench.
This eagle is very bold looking and I think that's cool. It is so realistic it is crazy.

These dragons are very amazing and beautiful they were all of our favorites.

Wow so pretty.
This waterfall is something that we should have at the Portland airport.
I predicted that these strings were supposed to be glow worm strings from the glow worm caves in New Zealand. I was correct.
 The plants looked super fake but they were real.
Some of these plants aren't real, some are legos.
 These plants are so pretty it is hard to believe the are real.
The plants in the middle are not plants they are legos. 

Well, I guess this is what you call a bush mouse.
But, since it's the year of the rat I think it's a bush rat.

All six kids got henna. Enzo and I on top and on the bottom from left to right, Ali, Cate, Henry, and Anya.
We got henna in Little India it was super cool and fun. Left to right me then Ali bottom, from left to right, Cate then Henry.

We ate a ton of Indian food for lunch. It was so good.

The tortoise was 85 years old and 225kg or 450 lbs. the zoo keeper said that the tortoises could live up to 250 years in captivity. The Komodo Dragon and lizard were cool too.

A Scarlet Macaw flew and landed on moms head and decided to stay there for a while.

Henry feeds a scarlet Macaw with the help of a friendly zoo keeper.

A Blue Macaw decides that I'm his\her new bestie.

This Blue macaw flew onto Henry as he walked up and Henry was very surprised.

This Scarlet Macaw went from Cates hand to my shoulder very fast and made some scratches on my arm and a small hole in my romper. To Cate and I this was very surprising.

Henry befriends Scarlet Macaws very easily.

This Ball Python is named Milkshake, I think that you can see why.

White Tigers are so pretty and this one looked fake but then it moved its head so we new it was fake.

We posed with orangutans as they ate breakfast along side us.

Hey, Rufus. these Pelicans were huge its height was probably up to my shoulder.
this is our new and old swimsuits side by side. They have faded a lot.


  1. Thanks Lily! That garden must have been quite an experience (I don't like snakes. period!) Sorry that you have a new hole in your romper - but it will make a good story. The exotic (to us) birds are beautiful, aren't they? I loved the fact that you actually saw the glow worm caves and then saw them "replicated" here. We look forward to more Lily postings!

  2. What a wonderful experience you're having, Lily. I taught your dad when he was your age, maybe a bit younger. The photos you captioned are fascinating...Singapore is a place I've never been. My son Josh, who was in your dad's class, interviewed for a job there, but he and his wife decided that they didn't want to be so far from family. He said that the university was unbelievable. Seems like you've been seeing some unbelievable things too. I like the henna tattos, the lion door and the dragons the best.


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