
This is a post I wanted to write before we left. I hope I can still capture the sentiment.

The kids - Lily (11) and Henry (8), especially - began to have complicated emotions as our departure approached. The departure was materializing all around them in the form of our household purges and nonstop planning/decision-making. The school year was ending and it was already a moody time for Lily finishing fifth grade because quite a few of her close friends will be moving to different (local) schools in the fall.

At each opportunity, we took a picture of the children with one (or more) of their buddies. This is by no means exhaustive. In preparing this post, I'm enjoying the opportunity to look closely at their faces. Since two significant months have passed, I'm writing from the position of knowing how they've grown and changed; how they are (and are not) longing for these friends and these friendships.

We've been sending (and receiving post cards) during the two months in Minnesota but I'm not sure how we'll be able to continue receiving them as we begin to move around. We've had a few video chats with friends (mainly for Lily) and those have been good for her. Speaking directly to friends and parents of friends: please be in touch. We have pangs of loneliness and technology is a marvel for staying in touch.

Here's a sample:
Cate, Anya and Ali. Buddies from before they (A and C) could walk.
Enzo and Henry. Buddies since Henry went to daycare as a baby.
Lily and Hope
Elise, Ali, cousin Elliott, Cate, cousin Adele and Henry
